verb rebrand | Application of brand palette
Excerpt from updated brand palette section in new style guidelines with visual demonstrations of potential applications.

verb rebrand
Excerpt from typographic rules in new style guidelines with visual demonstrations.
verb rebrand | streamlined visual communication assets
Expert content infographic social share and new iconography.

verb rebrand | product illustration guides and resources
Left: Excerpts from product illustration portion of brand guidelines.
Right: Collection illustrations following new standards.

enterprise client work
Left: Excerpts from Facebook-specific product illustration guidelines for custom collections.
Right: Initial design concepts for custom start pages highlighting Facebook's Leadership Framework inside the verb platform.
Right: Initial design concepts for custom start pages highlighting Facebook's Leadership Framework inside the verb platform.

enterprise client work
Collection illustrations following custom design standards built around external brand.

Excerpt from presentation deck on bringing the brand to life for different audiences. Seen here: a demonstration on how brand shows up for customers and learners using brand voice principals and company values.