When I think of Jess, I think of a “creative’s creative.” A multi-talented individual who never settles for less than the very best work they can deliver. Jess’ value lies in her leadership and ability to build design systems. Her talent permeates every facet of the brands she works with, because she creates in a way that considers such a wide variety of details and use cases. As a writer, I have enjoyed every opportunity I’ve had to work with Jess because she seeks symbiotic solutions to design and copy challenges. She values my contributions, and she’s just plain fun to work with.

–Sarah Flores, Sr. Copywriter Extraordinaire, Comrade

When I think of Jess, I think of a “creative’s creative.” A multi-talented individual who never settles for less than the very best work they can deliver. Jess’ value lies in her leadership and ability to build design systems. Her talent permeates every facet of the brands she works with, because she creates in a way that considers such a wide variety of details and use cases. As a writer, I have enjoyed every opportunity I’ve had to work with Jess because she seeks symbiotic solutions to design and copy challenges. She values my contributions, and she’s just plain fun to work with.

–Sarah Flores, Sr. Copywriter Extraordinaire, Comrade

Commercial Artist + Visual Designer working to ignite curiosity. 
Seeker of the Extraordinary Within the Mundane.
Hey there, I'm Jess! I've been I've been working as a designer for over 12 years now, creating engaging and purposeful work  for all kinds of brands, both big and small. I'm great at figuring out what makes a brand unique and expressing it in all sorts of ways, whether for MarTech, advertising, CPG, or B2B/SaaS products.
At their best, I believe that branding, advertising, psychology, art, and technology work harmoniously together to create poignant, meaningful, and effective vehicles for connecting with people.
I'm a big fan of the creative tension that arises from working in concert with others, and I believe that the most compelling ideas are regularly generated this way, rather than in isolation.​​​​​​​
Art Direction
Marks + Logo Design
Guidelines + Systems
Voice + Tone 
Packaged Goods
Wayfinding + Signage
Trade show + Festival Environmentals
Stationery + Direct Mail
Print Management
Editorial + Book + Publication
Pattern + Textile Design
Social Strategy + Design
Campaign / lifecycle marketing:
    Landing Pages
    Display Advertising    
When not working, I can be found sweating it out in Austin, TX, regardless of the season practicing my German language skills next to a large cat.
Whether hunting for crystals in ravines, working with power tools, drumsticks, paint, or ink, I'm unlikely to ever have idle hands.
"Jess is the perfect union of creative and analytical thinking, bonded together by empathy, initiative, and absolute devotion. She knows technical & creative specs from countless mediums and platforms like the back of her hand. Her ability to conceptualize a powerful visual story from raw data is straight up MAGIC, and she strongly supports her work with research, tackling personas, goals, KPIs, competition, and market landscape."
Leslie Stinson, Digital & Demand Generation Manager
Thank you!
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